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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finally an update!

I know it has been forever since I have updated and for that I am sorry. Sometimes life moves so fast that you blink and 8 months have gone by!

Little Miss Isla

Failure to Thrive update:
We ended up seeing a different pediatric gastro and loved him. We had several different appointments with him and were very closely monitoring her growth. We also slowly introduced all the allergens we were avoiding in my diet and in her diet. She did absolutely wonderful with all the new foods. He was pleased with her growth and although she barely met his growth goals she did meet them. As of January 4th we were released from the care of the pediatric GI and Isla was unlabeled Failure to Thrive. Her GI said she is just a tiny girl- skinny and short. She was given the go ahead to go on cow’s milk and she did very well with that. I continued to nurse her until a little after she turned 15 months. Now she is on a regular diet. Isla still struggles with weight gain from time to time but is thriving. She is not yet on the charts for her weight but she may never be and that is ok. She is healthy, smart, and very active.

Helmet update:
Isla got her helmet off in mid November! Her head looks great. She still has a little asymmetry but it is barely noticeable. She adjusted well to her helmet being off.

Isla graduated from physical therapy in December. She has overcome all of her muscle tone issues and is doing great. She started walking about a week after her first birthday. Once she realized that she could walk she never looked back. Now she is running all over the place! She is soooooo active. She is non stop. Isla loves to climb, dance, run, and anything that involves moving. She is not one to sit still at all.

As far as her vocabulary she is super smart. She has tons of words. She likes to repeat words she hears often. She even sings “the itsy bitsy spider”. Her words include: mama, dada, nana, grandma, bow, dog, ball, bug, balloon, bubbles, book, bird, bottle, milk, cereal, blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, up, down, more, all done, what’s that, booger, nose, no, stickers and tons more I am forgetting. She follows almost all commands (when she is being a good girl J) She understands everything we say to her and answers if we ask he a yes or no question. She even recognizes who drives which car- if Trevor is coming home from work she yells “Dada” as soon as she sees his truck, same with my mom and her car and me and my car.

Lets not forget her super-sized personality. Wow. She is definitely her mother’s daughter! She is so strong willed and opinionated. She knows exactly what she wants and will let you know. She will literally walk up to you and take your hand and drag you over to do whatever it is that she wants you to do (throw a ball, pick up a book etc). If the dogs do something like take her ball she points her little finger at them and says “Nooooo dogs!”. She is such a girly girl. She loves her hairbows, purses, tutus, shoes, brushing her hair, putting on “makeup”, and anything girly! She hates getting dirty and will run up to you if she has even one speck of dirt on her finger and want you to wash her hands or wipe her down. She is seriously amusing and highly entertaining!

Update from 5/25:
Got a call from Isla’s daycare and they said she had a 103 fever. I took her to the doctor and she has an ear infection. This is her 5th ear/sinus infection in 6 months and she is not responding to the antibiotics anymore. We were referred to see a pediatric ear, nose and throat doctor to discuss getting tubes inserted into her ears. For some reason her ears are not draining properly and the tubes will fix that. It’s kind of a bummer because she will have to have surgery but on the other hand she will not get these infections anymore so that is good. I am waiting for that office to call me back to make an appointment- I will update later. In the mean time she is on a very strong antibiotic which made her vomit all night last night. She seems better today so are hopeful that she will be able to keep the meds down so they can do their job.

Me and Trevor update:

I decided to go back to school for my nursing degree. I am so excited and just passed my first class back with an A! Working part time, going to school part time, and taking care of Isla will be tough but I think I can manage. I have lots of help. My family is amazing and always willing to pitch in, from paying for tuition and books to babysitting! I am so lucky. I honestly wouldn’t be able to do it all with out the support of my family. I love you all.

Trevor and Brent (his brother) started their own business, Sunstate Power and Solar Solutions LLC., a couple years ago and are getting very busy. They are such hard workers and great Daddys. They both work full time jobs and spend a ton of time working for their company. It is just the two of them and they have to make major sacrifices in order to be successful. I am so proud of both of them and I know that their hard work will pay off. It is hard not seeing Trevor as much but he makes up for it when he is here. He is such a loving husband and dad. I am one lucky girl!

Thanks for reading- sorry it was so long. LONG OVERDUE! I am going to try to update more often- promise!