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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Not growing

I know I have said in the past that I LOVE my pediatricians and I really do. Isla sees 2 doctors- Dr. G and Dr. D. They are both Moms of toddlers and each work part time (they split the week). These women are truly amazing. I have so much in common with then (besides the doctor thing). There is also a medical assistant there named Kayla- she is the best. I am so lucky to have these women in my corner. They are a perfect match for the way that I parent. With all that is going on with Isla lately I can’t count the number of times that I have called or come in literally in tears- and they are always right there with me to comfort and reassure me. They are incredible- so supportive and encouraging.

On Thursday Isla had a pediatrician appointment. This time we saw Dr. G. We always start each appointment with a height and naked weight measurement (because of Isla’s weight issues). I am always so worried at this point. We put her on the scale and I nervously watched Kayla move the ticker on the scale until it was level- 13 pounds 8 ounces. My heart sank. In 9 days Isla had not gained a single ounce. We walked back to the exam room to meet Dr. G. We talked about all sorts of things (Isla’s diet, my diet, her chronic constipation, the GI appointment). She said one thing that made me feel so much better- she said it is not my job to make Isla grow. I am doing all that I am able to do- nursing her regularly, feeding her solids 3 times a day, giving her probiotics. She said not to blame myself and that I am doing a great job. I love her! We made a plan that if by her 9 month appointment (the end of this month) that if she hadn’t really grown then we would aggressively investigate. She will likely send us to a different pediatric GI to do an endoscopy on her. So far all of her labs have come back normal but there is always more tests we can do. I asked her what she thinks could be going on with her and she said it could be a number of things (a rare growth disorder, a kidney function problem, celiac disease, or she could just be super tiny). The thing is- Isla is doing great in all other areas. She has great brain development, she is meeting or exceeding all of her developmental milestones, she is alert and happy and super active- she is just not growing. She is at the extreme low end of the charts (like 0.5%)

So here I am, trying not to worry. Anxiously awaiting September 30th. I hate waiting. I am trying to remain positive but also preparing myself for what could be. Keep your fingers crossed that she grows. I will update after her appointment.

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